Raw Scanning
Raw scans are an efficient and economical way to turn your images into digital, straight from the film or artwork. With basic colour and density corrections applied, fine adjustment may still be required before printing. You can scan a whole roll of film at once, frame by frame or from artwork under A4 in size.
You have a choice of file size: 3MB, 18MB, 32MB and 72 MB.
Custom Scanning
Using Imacon and Kodak HR500 Scanning Systems, which are world renowned for outstanding quality, our custom scanning services are of the highest professional standards.
We can scan from your film originals (up to 8”x10”), from prints and original artwork small or large in size.
The completed files include cropping, colour correction, dust spotting and burning to CD/DVD, all to your requirements, ready to print. This service is ideal for enlarging small images to large scale prints, art reproduction, digital photo restoration and a number of other applications.
Further retouching is available as an additional service.